Finland: timber trade was brisk in May
Real monthly stumpage prices of non-industrial, private forests in April 2015 monetary value (deflated using wholesale price index, 1949=100)
This year’s timber sales peaked in May, with industry procuring 3.5 cubic metres of roundwood from non-industrial, private forests. The stumpage prices of roundwood purchased from private forests were also on the rise. Industry procured more roundwood in May than in any previous month this year. The average monthly 2014 timber sales volumes were also exceeded by 23 percent. 3.1 million cubic metres of the timber was procured in standing sales while 0.4 million cubic metres was procured in delivery sales. Strong monthly variation is characteristic of timber trade. The price and volume data for timber trade are provided by the Natural Resources Institute Finland statistics.
The stumpage price level of roundwood increased by 1.5 percent from April to May and was 1.3 percent higher in real terms than in 2014. The price development was similar for all the main types of timber.
The price of pine logs increased in May to EUR 55.3 per cubic metre, while the price of spruce logs increased to EUR 55.6 per cubic metre. The price paid for pine pulpwood was EUR 15.8 per cubic metre, while spruce pulpwood fetched EUR 17.3. The price of logs increased by 1.5 percent from the previous month; the increase was greatest for spruce logs. The price of pulpwood increased by 1.4 percent from April.
Most of the timber in standing sales originates from regeneration felling stands. The stumpage price of pine logs from regeneration felling reached EUR 57.0 per cubic metre in May, while the price of spruce logs was EUR 56.3. In thinning, the corresponding prices remained at EUR 48.0 and EUR 47.5 per cubic metre.
The price of spruce logs increased in delivery sales
The price level of roundwood procured from private forests increased by 1.7 percent in May compared with April. In comparison with the previous year, however, the roadside price level was 0.3 percent lower in real terms. The increase in the average price of logs was mainly due to the price development of spruce logs. In pulpwood, the real prices of both pine and birch pulpwood were 2 percent lower in May than the average in 2014.
The price of pine pulpwood procured in delivery sales in May was EUR 27.7 per cubic metre, while spruce pulpwood fetched EUR 29.5. The timber sales of delivery stands mainly consist of pulpwood. The price of pine logs was EUR 56.9 and the price of spruce logs was EUR 56.8 per cubic metre.
Source: Natural Resources Institute Finland (Edited)