

13, Feb 2025 -

Forestrys good returns attract investment interest

Forestry’s good returns attract investment interest With forest products exports continuing to enjoy a run of high commodity prices there is plenty of attention worldwide on the robust returns delivered from forest resources. So it’s timely that New Zealand and Australia are soon to host a major forest investment and market outlook conference series. The event in it’s third year is popular with forest company CEOs and financial sector leaders for it’s insight. One of the keynote speakers headlining the FIEA event is Kevin Mason, Managing Director and Senior Analyst of ERA Forest Products Research ( www.ERA-Research.com), a Canadian-based independent research firm that covers the global forest products sector. “We focus first and foremost on understanding the commodity side of the market,” says Mason, “as trends in the underlying commodities far outweigh managerial abilities, or the lack of.” Mason and his team of top analysts have a reputation for having been able to predict nearly every bankruptcy in the North American forest products industry, as well as highlighting some of the best upside returns as well. “Timing of investments in the forest products sector are key,” says Mason. Over the past 20 years, ERA has built up a large following of investment clientele, and advises many of the leading hedge funds, mutual funds, pension funds and private equity players. As ERA’s senior analyst, Kevin Mason is no stranger to controversy and is always willing to challenge accepted wisdom. His negative views on several prominent mergers in the sector have won him accolades in the investment industry, but also angered many merger proponents. He has helped the firm expand its investment coverage within North America, and is now building out coverage of European and Latin American firms. Mason is joined by two other speakers known for their global forest sector insights – Gary Myers of Timberlink and Brooks Mendell from Forisk Consulting. Visit www.fimo2014.com to register or see programme details. The Forest Industry Engineering Association (FIEA) is running the 3rd biennial forest industry investment conference – FOREST INVESTMENT AND MARKET OUTLOOK 2014 – in Auckland on 9–10th April 2014 and Melbourne on 14–15th April 2014. This latest conference series will focus on strengthening ties between the equity investment, finance and forest products industries in Australasia and now globally. New Forests are confirmed at the Principal Conference Sponsor. Australasia’s key industry associations have also indicated their support for this pan-industry meeting.

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