

13, Feb 2025 -

Norwood Sawmills New Mobile App

Norwood Sawmills Introduces New Mobile App for Sawyers to Scale Logs and Lumber New mobile app helps portable band sawmill owners and operators quickly scale logs, calculate the volume of sawn lumber and estimate the weight of logs.Norwood Sawmills, a leading global portable sawmill manufacturer, is pleased to introduce a new Sawmill Calculator mobile app. This unique app, available for Apple and Android phones and tablets, gives sawyers instant estimates of the board content of logs according to three industry-accepted log rules. Bonus functions calculate the volume of sawn lumber and estimate the weight of logs."We are always developing new tools to help Norwood owners be even more successful," says Norwood President, Ashlynne Dale, "The Norwood Sawmills Calculator mobile app gives band sawmill owners, of all stripes, quick, professional and reliable data."The Norwood Sawmills Calculator performs three useful functions:Log Scaling: Swipe sliders to input log dimensions and immediately get cubic meter estimates, simultaneously, in all three industry-standard log rules: Doyle, Scribner and International ¼".  Because the calculator gives board content estimates according to all three log rules at the same time, users get complete information instantly.Lumber Scale: Input board dimensions to instantly and accurately calculate volume.  Swipe the "Board Quantity" slider to quickly tally the volume of a stack of sawn lumber. Compute production at the end of a custom milling project or at the end each sawmilling day.Log Weight Estimator: Estimate the log weight of many common tree species. Select the species, swipe sliders to input the length and diameter of your logs and instantly see their estimated weights in kilograms.For those who prefer Imperial measures, the app can also be set to function in board-feet and pounds.The Norwood Sawmills Calculator mobile app is a must-have tool for all portable band sawmill owners. It is available for download now for only 99¢.iPhone or iPad users, click: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/norwood-sawmills-calculator/id731268234?mt=8  Android users, click: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.norwoodsawmills.calculator  For more information on the Norwood Sawmills Calculator mobile app, click http://www.norwoodsawmills.com/za/norwood-mobile-appAbout Norwood SawmillsNorwood Sawmills has been building premium-quality portable sawmills for over 20 years. Norwood sawmills are hard at work in over 100 countries cutting millions of dollars of valuable lumber.  With over 50 patents, more than all the other sawmill companies around the world combined, Norwood is the proven global leader in portable sawmill technology.CONTACTNorwood SawmillsAshlynne DalePresident+1-705-689-2800info@NorwoodSawmills.comSOURCE Norwood Sawmills

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